README for ccc. Release v1.0 June 2014 Sharlee Climer 'ccc' is a program for computing vector-based correlations between SNP alleles and outputting high correlations to a .gml file.. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The usage can be found by typing 'ccc' on the command line. It follows: Fatal: Usage: ccc input.txt output.gml threshold numInd numSNPs numHeaderRows numHeadCols where - 'input.txt' is your genotype data - 'output.gml' is the output file in .gml format - 'threshold' is the CCC threshold for creating an edge - 'numInd' is the number of individuals - 'numSNPs' is the number of SNPs - 'numHeadRows' is the number of header rows in 'input.txt' - 'numHeadCols' is the number of header columns in 'input.txt' --------------------------------------------------------------------- The 'input.txt' file is your genotype data. - ccc accepts any number of header rows and/or header columns. - The genotypes can be in any of the following formats: AT A/T A T where there is a single space between alleles in the third option. - Other than the single space of the third option above, all white space (space, multiple spaces, tab, newline) are treated the same. - Accepted characters include: A, C, G, T, D, I, N, NA, NN, 0 (zero), where N, NA, NN, and zero represent missing data. (D and I can be used to represent deletions and insertions.) - User can specify a custom missing symbol in 'bloc.h'. - If each row represents a SNP (e.g. HapMap format), set ROWS_R_SNPS in 'bloc.h' to 1. If each column represents a SNP (e.g. Plink format) set this value to 0. *** Important note about input file: *** - Each string in the header rows and/or columns must be continuous with no internal white space. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The 'output.gml' file is the output file in .gml format. Some notes about this format: - Can have comments at beginning of file (number of nodes, etc.). Blocbuster will output one comment line: 'Graph with x nodes.' - The word 'graph' followed by '[' starts actual listing of the graph nodes and edges. - Nodes are listed first, followed by edges. Brackets are placed in particular locations, as in the following example (variations of white space doesn't matter). - The 'node', 'id', 'edge', 'source', and 'target' are listed. - The 'weight' field is optional. BlocBuster will provide the relevant CCC value for the weight. (If SNP graph is created, the maximum CCC value will be the weight.) Example: Graph with 4 nodes. graph [ node [ id 1 ] node [ id 2 ] node [ id 3 ] node [ id 4 ] edge [ source 1 target 2 weight 0.065000 ] edge [ source 1 target 4 weight 0.036111 ] edge [ source 3 target 2 weight 0.140000 ] edge [ source 3 target 4 weight 0.077778 ] ] --------------------------------------------------------------------- If LOG_FILE is set to 1 in bloc.h, a log file with the same name as the output file (minus the '.gml' plus '.bloc.log' appended) will record the screen output, except warnings and fatal messages. --------------------------------------------------------------------- If you would like to run ccc in the background, use: nohup ccc input.txt output.gml threshold numInd numSNPs numHeadRows numHeadCols >& trialName.screen & --------------------------------------------------------------------- ccc will terminate if too many edges are output. This value can be adjusted by changing MAX_NUM_EDGES in 'bloc.h'. Default value is one million edges. --------------------------------------------------------------------- An example file is included and can be used as a test by typing: ./ccc example_10indiv_6snp.txt temp.gml 0.7 10 6 1 1 The file 'temp.gml' should match 'check.gml' and hold a single edge from source 11 to target 12 with weight of 0.748. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact with questions, bug reports, etc.